
12 Mar 2021


Fantastic plants and where to find them

As spring is in the air,

new buds are everywhere on Fudan’s Handan campus.

We often stop for a tree or flower flourishing into full bloom,

not knowing what it is.

Today is China’s Arbor Day,

let’s learn more about our “friends” and where to find them.

Chinese Magnolia 白玉兰

Southwestern corner of Yifu Science & Technology Building

Chinese Yew 罗汉松

Main Gate on Handan Road

Southwestern corner of No. 4 Teaching Building

Prunus mume Meiren 美人梅

Chemistry Building

Cai Guanshen Humanities Museum

Platanus 悬铃木

Guanghua Avenue

Cinnamomum Camphora 香樟

South of Science Library

South of No.3 Teaching Building

Metasequoia glyptostroboides 水杉

Atrium of Renzhong College

North of Liren Biology Building

North of Science Library

Gledistsia Sinensis 皂荚

South of Liren Biology Building

Medicinal Citron 香泡

Lawn between No.5 and No.6 Teaching Buildings

Source: Department of General Affairs
