
12 Jul 2022


Admire lotus on Fudan campus with us

Could there be a better consolation than beautiful refreshing flowers in these scorching summer days?

Our photographers have captured some booming lotus flowers on campus and we hope the sight of these lovely water plants can be like cool breezes that calm your minds in the heat waves.

Lotus is praised by men of literature in ancient China, because it grows out from mud, but stays pure and unstained. Of all essays written by our ancestors, the most famous one is Admiring Lotus by Zhou Dunyi, Neo-Confucian philosopher from the Song Dynasty.


Zhou appreciates how lotus flowers stand straight, lofty and clean. “The world can only behold them afar, but never tamper them,” he wrote.

Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Author:Li YijieEditor:Photograph:Illustrator: